I went to the Rose Bowl last year. Badgers on the field and Midwest spirit in the air, I found it hard to believe I was in LA. Bratwurst grilling and beer stained shoes seemed too familiar. However, a couple weekends ago I went to the Rose Bowl for a different reason: the Rose Bowl Flea Market.
I was new to the scene; live entertainment, handcrafted, handmade, American flags and window panes. In awe. I could have wandered for days.
It's as if everything there had a story to tell. One thing I need to work on next time is bargaining. I ran across a license plate from Wisconsin circa 1930.
"How much for this license plate?"
"What if you're from Wisconsin?"
"It's from 1930, kid."
He didn't say "kid" but it was implied.
I left empty handed. However, the antique, the old and the rustic sparked my imagination and a spark to the imagination is priceless.
Two bottles of wine at dinner with the family and I'm left with two empty wine bottles. So, I soaked the wine bottles under hot water until I could easily peel off the Santa Margherita Pinot Grigio.; they are on the roof as we speak. I'm hoping that the salty sea breeze will weather the glass. In the meantime I used two different bottles as vases for this hell of a rose from the garden.
I thinkI'll be back to the Rose Bowl soon. If the Badgers don't get me there this year, the flea market will!
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